Delivering direct service

Interested in making public land management a career? The WCCC Internship Program is a unique opportunity to work directly with the Bureau of Land Management and the USFS.
The WCCC has opportunities to serve directly with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the United States Forest Service (USFS), through the Colorado Youth Corps Association (CYCA) and other assistance agreements. Positions range from hydrology work, cadastral surveying, travel management, botany and others. Positions are available throughout the state of Colorado.
General Requirements for all CYCA internships:
Age: Young adults ages 16 to 30 (inclusive) or veterans up to age 35.
If a participant turns 31 during their internship (or 36 for veterans) he or she may continue the term but may not be extended or begin a new internship project.
The program falls under the purview of the Public Land Corps Hiring Authority.
Veteran Status: Only necessary for veteran-specific internship opportunities.
Education Level: See individual position descriptions for education requirements
Check regularly for available positions. All positions are posted for at least three weeks and will be kept posted until the position is filled