Working together gets more accomplished

RiversEdge West advances the restoration of riparian lands through collaboration, education, and technical assistance. Their vision is healthy and self-sustaining riparian ecosystems throughout the American West resilient to invasive plant species and supported by enduring communities of stewards.
We are members of the Desert Rivers Collaborative and the Dolores River Restoration Partnership.

Colorado Canyons Association fosters community stewardship of our National Conservation Lands with a focus on Domingueuz-Escalante, Gunnison Gorge and McInnis Canyons National Conservation Areas in western Colorado. They are a non-partisan, non-profit organization encouraging cooperation among all NCA users and interests.
We have done extensive rafting trips through McInnis Canyons in Ruby and Horsethief Canyons, fighting invasive phreatophytes and restoring riparian habitat. We have also constructed new trails in McInnis Canyons and the Gunnison Gorge.
Colorado Plateau Mountain Biking Association
Colorado Plateau Mountain Biking Association is a member-supported, nonprofit organization of volunteer mountain bikers dedicated to advocating for, building, and maintaining sustainable singletrack mountain bike trails on the Colorado Plateau in western Colorado.
Western Slope Food Bank of the Rockies
1 in 7 Coloradans struggle with hunger--nearly half are children.
The food bank of the Rockies maintains a food pantry at the WCCC, ensuring that WCCC Corpsmembers do not go hungry on the weekends.
The Nature Conservancy conserves lands and waters on which all life depends. Their vision is a world where the diversity of life thrives, and people act to conserve nature for its own sake and its ability to fulfill our needs and enrich our lives.
We work with the Nature Conservancy on large projects with the Dolores River Restoration Partnership and in the Gunnison Working Group for Gunnison Sage Grouse.
The National Forest Foundation
"Chartered by Congress, the National Forest Foundation was created in 1993 with a simple mission: bring people together to restore and enhance our National Forests and Grasslands.
As the nonprofit partner of the U.S. Forest Service, they work with the agency and thousands of Americans each year to promote the health and public enjoyment of our 193-million-acre National Forest System. They believe that communities should play a leading role in determining the future of our National Forests and Grasslands, so we focus our efforts on connecting these communities, and the people who comprise them, to the tools, knowledge, and funding to become active and devoted stewards of this incredible public estate." (taken from